4. “1860年10月,托马斯·普里查德·罗西特(Thomas Prichard Rossiter)率领威尔士亲王、布坎南总统和政要访问弗农山华盛顿墓 高清作品[82%]

Visit of the Prince of Wales, President Buchanan, and <em>Dignitaries</em> to the Tomb of Washington at Mount Vernon, October 1860-

图片文件尺寸 : 4210 x 2100px

“1860年10月,托马斯·普里查德·罗西特(Thomas Prichard Rossiter)率领威尔士亲王、布坎南总统和政要访问弗农山华盛顿墓-Thomas Prichard Rossiter

Visit of the Prince of Wales, President Buchanan, and Dignitaries to the Tomb of Washington at Mount Vernon, October 1860--Thomas Prichard Rossiter (美国, 1818 – 1871)

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